USAID Office of HIV/AIDS Required Custom Indicators for OVC Programs

March 14, 2021

Custom Indicators

USAID PEPFAR Central Custom Indicators Reference Guide (IRS)

USAID PEPFAR Central Custom Indicators Guidance

Indicator Reference Sheets (IRS) are included for all custom indicators to be collected centrally through USAID’s PEPFAR Custom Indicators process. Each IRS provides a definition of the indicator, description of reporting components (numerator, denominator, disaggregates), frequency of reporting, and information on how to collect and review for data quality.

A set of 27 custom indicators is requested for central collection and is organized by technical area. As with the MER indicators, most indicators are requested on a quarterly basis, with OVC indicators requested semi-annually. The list of indicators is included in the USAID PEPFAR Central Custom Indicators Reference Guide (IRS), and full details for each indicator, including disaggregates and how to collect and use the data, can be found in the USAID PEPFAR Central Custom Indicators Reference Guide.

Submission Templates:

CIRG Submission – Long

CIRG Submission – Wide

All central custom data should be collected through the Excel-based template starting in FY21 Quarter 1. The template is structured similarly to the HFR template, with two format options for submission (long and wide). Missions can combine data into one template, or keep submissions from different partners and/or technical areas separate.


The indicators and indicator reference sheets were drafted by USAID and the PEPFAR-funded ACHIEVE project. It is a supplement to the Optional Custom Indicators for USAID Orphans and Vulnerable Children’s Programs: Performance Indicator Reference Sheets, which were developed by USAID and ACHIEVE.